We are offering a holistic retreat and our coach has put together a combination of treatments to ensure healing on all levels both physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The exact combination of treatments for every client are depending on the result of the screening interview. Some clients will have more healing than coaching sessions but the amount of therapeutical yoga, meditation and massage will be the same for everyone.
On arrival day everyone will receive a hammam treatment which is a Moroccan sauna with hot steam along with scrubbing of the entire body to remove dead skin cells and enhance the blood circulation. This treatment has a purifying and cleansing effect on your whole body system and a perfect way to clean out the old and prepare your body, mind and spirit for everything new to arrive the following week of treatments.
One hammam treatment is included in the retreat but you can have more of these during the week if you want. Our SPA offers different types of Hammam so ask us if you feel a need for more.
Therapeutical yoga
This is actually not a special kind of yoga, but a program put together by our coach to raise awareness, focus inwards and detect any physical manifestation in the body either caused by trauma, injuries, diseases, bad habits etc. This is also a helpful tool for detection of problem areas for the other treatments as massage and healing. You don’t need any previous experience from yoga to have a max benefit from this program, only the will to attend and do the exercises. And we want you to fall in love with yoga and continue to develop yourself with this wonderful way of body awareness for the rest of your life. There will be a total of 5 yoga sessions this week and you can continue this program after you get back home or discover your own path with local suppliers where you live or follow the many videos on YouTube. Yoga is a superb way to treat and develop yourself and a wonderful tool in the path of self love.
Depending on your health situation and result from the screening interview our coach will decide which kind of massage that will give you the best healing effect in combination with the other treatments in the retreat. If you have a low energy flow in your body you might need the energizing massage or if you are stressed and have anxiety issues the relaxing massage might be best for you. Anyway you will receive 4 massage sessions of 45 minutes each throughout the treatment period included in the price. Our SPA has a large menu of treatments and you are free to buy other treatments during the week if you want.
In 30 minute session you are laying on a yoga mat with your eyes closed listening to a guided meditation. The first few minutes we are focusing on relaxing the body and emptying the mind so you can receive messages from your higher self. This is a beautiful way to direct your focus from the outside world to your inner universe of wisdom. During the meditation you might receive direct messages from your higher self on what to do or see images or colours that our coach can help you to interpret. After the meditation you should always make notes of your experience in the session.
Our coach has more than 35 years of experience as a healer. In this session you will lay down on a sofa or treatment bench fully dressed and under a blanket if the room is cold. Our body is surrounded with an energy field called the aura, and the healer will place the hands inside the aura where she can sense and read your energy flow. Sometimes she will “see” situations in your past leading to where you are today. Cold areas in the aura field can be the result of low circulation in your blood or lymphatic system or chakras. She will place her hands on your body to balance the energy or circulation in the area. The amount of healing sessions are decided after the screening interview and what combination of treatments you need the most.
This is a type of treatments where you sit in a chair and talk to our coach. It can remind a little about psychotherapy but includes so much more. Based on your beliefs, experiences in life, habits and life situation the coach will try to detect problem areas and give you advice how to change for a better future. You will also receive a program of affirmations that you will work with until change or healing has occurred. How many coaching sessions you will receive is based on the result of the screening interview.
Our workshops have themes which we will dive deep into, to understand both how different aspects of life affects us like they do and how we can change our belief systems, how we look upon ourselves and so forth to make necessary changes in order to develop as human beings. The effect of this will also change how we interact with others, how we react to triggers and better our understanding and communications and therefore form better relationships with family, friends, colleagues and people we meet. And last but not least to better our relationship with ourselves and improve our self-love.